7 May.Sometimes you have to go for it.有时就是得放手一搏。
24 Apr.If you're committed enough, you can make any story work.只要有决心,就没有做不成的事。
21 Apr.You can't have justice without truth.没有真相,何来正义。
18 Apr.When you smile, the world lights up.你一笑,世界都亮了。
15 Apr.Faith is taking the first step when you can't see the staircase.信念,是前路迷茫时,毅然迈出的第一步。
13 Apr.It is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all.即便会失去,也不能丧失爱的勇气。
4 Apr.I should move on and seize the day.整装重行,不负当下。
1 Apr.When life's path is steep, keep your mind even.纵使前路坎坷,亦要沉着冷静。
29 Mar.Never apologize for how you feel.无愧于心,不疚于人。
25 Mar.To grow, we all need to suffer.历经磨难,方能成长。
25 Mar.We all need the odd treat, or life becomes a little dull.平淡的生活里,总需要一些惊喜的瞬间。
19 Mar.Sometimes questions are more powerful than answers.有时候,提出问题比解决问题更重要。
16 Mar.I may not always win, but I never back out of a fight.我并非总能赢,但我从未退缩。
14 Mar.Paying attention to things—it's how we show love.关注是爱意的流露。
12 Mar.We're better off because of trees.有树可栖,生活可期。
10 Mar.Stop whining and start living.停止无谓抱怨,学会直面生活。
8 Mar.Girls have to go into the world and make up their own minds about things.女孩们,勇敢地去拥抱世界,决定自己的人生。
7 Mar.You don't love people in hopes of a reward.爱,是不计回报的。
5 Mar.Success doesn't come for free.没有努力,何来成功。
3 Mar.We'll find the way.总会有出路的。
Never start something you're not willing to finish.做事要有始有终。
28 Feb.Friends help each other out.守望相助,才是朋友。
It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything.
网站从lnmp环境 换成 docker 环境,利用 traefik 自动申请证书, http:// -> https://
给博客换了个新的CMS, Wordpress -> Typecho。修改文章从TinyMCE语法到Markdown,选定主题Initial Plus,顺便换个机房。
7 May.
Sometimes you have to go for it.
24 Apr.
If you're committed enough, you can make any story work.
24 Apr.
If you're committed enough, you can make any story work.
21 Apr.
You can't have justice without truth.
18 Apr.
When you smile, the world lights up.
15 Apr.
Faith is taking the first step when you can't see the staircase.
13 Apr.
It is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all.
4 Apr.
I should move on and seize the day.
1 Apr.
When life's path is steep, keep your mind even.
29 Mar.
Never apologize for how you feel.
25 Mar.
To grow, we all need to suffer.
25 Mar.
We all need the odd treat, or life becomes a little dull.
19 Mar.
Sometimes questions are more powerful than answers.
16 Mar.
I may not always win, but I never back out of a fight.
14 Mar.
Paying attention to things—it's how we show love.
12 Mar.
We're better off because of trees.
10 Mar.
Stop whining and start living.
8 Mar.
Girls have to go into the world and make up their own minds about things.
7 Mar.
You don't love people in hopes of a reward.
5 Mar.
Success doesn't come for free.
3 Mar.
We'll find the way.
Never start something you're not willing to finish.
28 Feb.
Friends help each other out.
It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything.
网站从lnmp环境 换成 docker 环境,利用 traefik 自动申请证书, http:// -> https://
给博客换了个新的CMS, Wordpress -> Typecho。修改文章从TinyMCE语法到Markdown,选定主题Initial Plus,顺便换个机房。